Posted in TBR

June 2020 TBR

I can’t believe we’re nearly reaching the halfway point of the year already! 2020 has been a wild year and yet I feel that nothing much has happened since I’ve been stuck at home most of the time. Today I’ll be sharing with you the books I’m going to be reading in June. I’ve been feeling like I want to read thrillers recently so this TBR is going to be full of thrillers and thriller-type stories. Here’s what I’m reading in June!

The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen


Expected rating: 3/5

I’ve heard very mixed things about this thriller which was a super hyped book in 2018. I’ve heard so many different things about it that I honestly just want to know how I feel about it myself. I don’t even really know what it’s about. Something about two wives and an affair maybe? I really don’t know which way I’ll fall with this one, whether I’m going to like it or hate it, but I’m excited to find out!

The Devotion of Suspect X by Keigo Higashino


Expected rating: 3.5/5

I heard about this book from The Book Castle and I’m excited to try out a Japanese detective novel. I’ve recently gotten into Japanese media and I think their stories are really unique and entertaining. It’s definitely a refreshing change from the usual stories I read and I’m excited to see a Japanese take on the typical detective story, which I’ve read way too many of by now.

You by Caroline Kepnes


Expected rating: 4.5/5

It’s about time I get to this book. It’s probably one of the most hyped thrillers out there and the Netflix show also gets a lot of hype. I really want to watch the Netflix show but I want to read the book first. I think my reading this book is extremely overdue and I want to read this immediately so that I can have a new Netflix show to binge watch. I’m ready to finally jump on the hype train!

World War Z by Max Brooks

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Expected rating: 3.5/5

This book wasn’t initially on my TBR but I just came across the synopsis one day and it sounded really interesting. I’m not usually into zombie stories but it seems to be written in an interesting way, almost like it seems nonfiction. Perhaps now is not the greatest time to be reading an apocalyptic novel, or maybe it is!

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

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Expected rating: 5/5

This is the last book on my 5-star predictions list that I have to read before I can wrap up that post. It’s also long overdue that I finally wrap up the post so it’s about time I read this book! I’ve heard very many good things about it and hardly any negative things at all. It’s a historical fiction set in Barcelona after a war and it’s about books. I love every word in that description so I’m very excited to get to this one!

Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari


Expected rating: 5/5

This is probably my favorite non-fiction of all time and it’s going to be my reread of the month. As you know, I’ve been really into history at the moment since I’ve been reading up on World War II stuff. This book is a super comprehensive but super accessible history of basically everything and it was super educational. I can’t wait to reread it and re-spark my love of history.

Every Day by David Levithan


Expected rating: 3/5

Years ago, I found a Buzzfeed article that recommended books to read if you liked The Fault in Our Stars and I realized that I read almost every book on that list except for two. I decided to read those two books this month so that I could finally wrap up my thoughts on those books. The list mostly consists of the most popular YA contemporaries in the early 2010s, which don’t all hold up over time so I’m really not sure if I’ll like this book but I’m willing to give it a try.

The Spectacular Now by Tim Tharp

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Expected rating: 3/5

This is the last book on the Buzzfeed list I need to read (other than Every Day) and I’m equally not sure about it. I don’t even really know what it’s about but I’m still going to give it a try, just to round out the list and for completion’s sake. That’s just the kind of person I am!

So those are all the books I plan to read in June! I know it doesn’t seem like I’m excited for every book here but I suppose I’m using this month’s TBR to wrap up some of my lists and challenges so that’s good at least! What are you planning on reading in June and how is your reading going this year? I hope everyone is staying safe and hanging in there!

Cheers and happy reading!

Posted in Tier Ranking

Tier Ranking All the Classics I’ve Read

So this tier ranking thing is the new trend in the book community and it looks like so much fun! I really want to do it but I know it’s probably not as fun as a blog post as it would be if it was a video but I’m still gonna do it anyway. I decided to make this a monthly series and tier-rank all the books I’ve ever read by genre. I think this will be an interesting way to look at my interests by genre and we’ll be able to see from the skew of each tier just how I feel about each genre. Today we’re gonna start with classics! I’ve read 29 classics which is probably not that impressive but it’s something! I’m gonna share the image of the tier rank and share with you my thoughts on each book below it. Hopefully, this will still be interesting even if you don’t get to see me do the tier ranking live. Here we go!

Continue reading “Tier Ranking All the Classics I’ve Read”
Posted in TBR

Books Added to TBR April 2020

Today I’ll be sharing with you my April “Book Haul” a.k.a. the books I’ve added to my TBR in April. There are still quite a few books capturing my attention every month and my lifelong TBR is just getting pretty ridiculous. There are definitely too many interesting books out there to get through in a lifetime! But well, quarantine is giving us more time to read so maybe I’ll actually be able to get to these sooner rather than later (one can only hope)! Here’s what I found interesting in April.

Continue reading “Books Added to TBR April 2020”

Posted in TBR

May 2020 TBR

Today I’ll be sharing with you the books I’m planning to read in May! I’m extremely excited for this month because I’ve picked out some books that I’m SUPER excited about! Nearly every book I’ve picked out, I expect to be a 5-star read! I suppose I’m making this a 5-star prediction month! I’m getting to some of the most anticipated reads on my entire TBR. I’m super excited about them so let’s just get to it!

Continue reading “May 2020 TBR”